Are window envelopes recyclable?

Window envelopes can be recycled. In fact, mail items that are mainly or entirely made of paper can be recycled.

Window envelope
© Photo by Monfocus on Pixabay

You do not need to remove the plastic window of the envelope to recycle it. This is helpful, but not necessary, as the waste paper is softened to a pulp during paper recycling. The viewing windows can then be easily removed from the softened paper as the heavy paper pulp sinks and the plastic components float to the top.

Can all mail be recycled?
Items that are mainly or entirely made of paper can usually be recycled through the paper bin. This includes, for example, magazines, junk mail, letters, bills, cardboard boxes, cards and newspapers.
Cards that contain glitter or embellishments such as bows can also not be recycled. But if you can tear them off, you can recycle the rest of the card!

What happens after you put the envelope in the recycling bin?
The material in the recycling bin is transported to your local material recovery facility. There they are sorted, baled and sent to a paper mill where they are made into a new paper product.

Why you should recycle envelopes:
Envelopes and other paper mail account for about 23% of all waste each year.
Paper mail is also one of the most recyclable materials. Paper mills want these products back to make new products.

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