ANDRITZ presents comprehensive 'We Care' sustainability program
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International technology group ANDRITZ has now combined the activities, measures, goals and plans it has been pursuing for many years in the sustainability sector under its ESG/sustainability program “We Care”.

“Sustainability is an essential part of the ANDRITZ business strategy and of our company culture. The focus topics and goals were selected in consideration of the areas in which ANDRITZ can make the largest contribution towards a sustainable future. Our “We Care” sustainability program now unites all of our initiatives and efforts relating to ESG under one roof. All of our employees are committed to this strategy,” says Wolfgang Leitner, President and CEO of ANDRITZ AG.
“We Care” takes a multi-dimensional, comprehensive and practically oriented approach towards sustainability. ANDRITZ has set itself ambitious goals for each of the focus topics – Environment (E), Social (S), and Governance (G) principles – and these goals are aimed at making the business activities of ANDRITZ and its stakeholders more sustainable.
- Environment focus area: All systems and plants supplied by ANDRITZ comply with the strictest environmental, safety and technology standards (best available technologies). ANDRITZ is focusing in particular on the development of sustainable technologies and products that lead to decarbonization and a reduction in the consumption of resources by its customers, hence making a major contribution towards environmental and climate protection.
- Today, ANDRITZ is already generating just under half of its revenue with these products and technologies. This share should increase further in the next few years. A positive and significant contribution towards climate and environmental protection by its products throughout their entire lifetime is not ANDRITZ’s only goal – the company has also set itself ambitious targets. For example, its own CO2 footprint is to be reduced by half by 2025, and water consumption and the amount of waste produced is also to be lowered significantly.
- Social focus area: Diversity, occupational health and safety and employee satisfaction are central values in the ANDRITZ human resources strategy. In the past few years, targeted measures have succeeded in significantly lowering the accident frequency rate.
- Diversity at ANDRITZ is reflected in the manifold origins of its employees, coming from 33 different countries. In its defined ESG targets, ANDRITZ is concentrating especially on avoiding accidents and the goal of being an attractive employer – this should also be measured and verified in figures by lowering the voluntary staff fluctuation rate and increasing the number of female employees in the workforce.
- Governance focus area: Highest compliance and ethically correct behavior form the basis of the ANDRITZ business strategy. The company holds ISO 19600 certification for the compliance management system and ISO 37001 certification for its anti-corruption management. In particular, ANDRITZ is concentrating its activities on the goals of minimizing relevant corporate risks and continuously expanding its compliance activities, with special focus on sustainable supply chain management.