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During the fire, no employees were involved and/or injured. The production is temporarily suspended, but the fire is under control.

RDM Group reports that a fire occurred at RDM Group Blendecques mill, in the north of France, on 22nd march 2022. The fire involved the sheeting and finishing department and part of the warehouse. In this regard, the Company informs that the production at Blendecques mill is temporarily suspended but the main production line is not damaged.
The events surrounding and the cause of the fire have yet to be established.
Working in safety is an essential Value for RDM Group: for this reason, the Group is investigating the conditions and details of the event, together with the firefighters who attended the site. Moreover, it is important to report that no employee has been involved or injured.
RDM Group is working on a contingency plan to manage and minimise any delays and/or difficulties, ensuring the continuity of supplies.