26th International bvse Waste Paper Day: New paths for waste paper recycling?!
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Two major topics will dominate this year's conference of the bvse Paper Recycling Association, to which the Vice President and Chairman, Werner Steingaß, is inviting the international recovered paper industry to Berlin on 16 April.

"The future of the recyclability of fibre-based packaging" is the focus of a thematic block, which will be moderated in the usual manner by WDR5 presenter Michael Brocker. You can look forward to exciting presentations and panel discussions that will provide comprehensive input and interesting new solutions from the perspectives of various players: recyclers, paper and packaging manufacturers, science and associations.
Rising prices for fire insurance and cancelled insurance contracts are increasingly putting the recycling industry under pressure. Together with representatives of the insurance industry, the second major topic will focus on the search for constructive and viable solutions that will ensure the insurability of companies in the industry affected by the high fire risk in the future. bvse Managing Director Eric Rehbock will moderate this highly sensitive topic for both the industry and insurers and a "hot" panel discussion that certainly cannot be ruled out.
In addition to these specific industry topics, there will of course also be a look at the general economic situation. After an end to 2023 that the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) categorised as economically weak, it will be exciting for participants at the International Recovered Paper Day to hear how Christoph Meyer MdB, member of the Bundestag and deputy leader of the FDP parliamentary group in Berlin, assesses the situation and developments in the first quarter of the new year.
One thing is certain: only the "courage to break new ground" will help the industry to continue to assert itself on the market in the future. In his keynote speech "Success through reduction and decisiveness", entrepreneur and speed mountaineer Benedikt Böhm will discuss the foundations that have led him to success both in his business and in his high-risk hobby: Tackling big tasks in small steps, developing new strategies and putting all his energy and expertise into mastering this strategy. A good way for the recovered paper industry to maintain its resilience in the future? Decide for yourself!