Information regarding registration for the Professional Search

The professional search is a part of the 'Birkner's PaperWorld' database where a payment is charged.

The professional search offers additional fields for your research. Also, there is the possibility to see the value list for these fields.

As professional user you will be able to see detailed company information of the companies listed in the database. You may see data like products, machines, raw materials, capital, turnover, management, executives, number of employees etc.

Via the full text research you may search for all terms that are shown in the company profile.

The access to the professional search is valid for 12 months and costs EUR 409,00. Professional users can export up to 10,000 company data into an Excel spreadsheet. The following data is exported, if available: Company name, street, postcode, PO box, country, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and homepage.

You would like to order the professional access? Click here for the order form.

Companies in the paper industry

Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board
Paper and board converters
Waste, recovered paper merchants
Trade services
Associations and institutions
Trade journals

Companies by department

01 Pulps and mechanical groundwood pulps
02 Printing, fine and writing papers
03 Printing, fine and writing board
04 Base papers and boards
05 Papers for packaging use
06 Board for packaging use
07 Paper and board for technical use
08 Papers and boards; coated, laminated, impregnated
09 Papers all kinds
10 Board, misc.
11 Corrugated boards
12 Boxes, packages, etc.
13 Sacks, bags, carrier bags
14 Household and sanitary papers for converting
15 Household and sanitary paper goods
16 Paper rolls all kinds
17 Office and exercise goods, general stationery
18 Other converted paper and board products
31 Pulps and mechanical groundwood pulps
32 Printing, fine and writing papers
33 Printing, fine and writing board
34 Base papers and boards
35 Papers for packaging use
36 Board for packaging use
37 Paper and board for technical use
38 Papers and boards; coated, laminated, impregnated
39 Papers all kinds
40 Board, misc.
41 Corrugated boards
42 Boxes, packages, etc.
43 Sacks, bags, carrier bags
44 Household and sanitary papers for converting
45 Household and sanitary paper goods
46 Paper rolls all kinds
47 Office and exercise goods, general stationery
48 Other converted paper and board products
51 Machines and plants for the wood and pulp industry
52 Paper and board machines and plants
53 Plants for preparation, dissolving, combusting, recovery
54 Cleaning plants, filtres and filtrations systems
55 Drives, gears and motors
56 Paper machine felts and wires, woven wires, screens
57 Rollers and cylinders
58 Pumps all kinds
59 Paper and board converting machines
60 Ventilation systems; Drying plants
61 Test, measuring and control equipments
62 Machine knives and accessories
63 Machines and plants, misc. and printing machines
64 Chemicals and raw materials
65 Assembly and handling equipment
66 Planning, development and organisation, trade services
67 Energy production, energy management
68 Associations and institutions
69 Trade journals, magazines

Selected Topnews from the Paper Industry