Marketing for Paper Industry/Imprint, Birkner's PaperWorld -

Imprint of Birkner's PaperWorld, the marketing portal for the paper industry

Birkner GmbH & Co. KG

Winsbergring 38, 22525 Hamburg
Postfach 54 07 50, 22507 Hamburg


Tel. : +49 (40) 800 80 1777

HR Inferior Court Hamburg HRA 66039
Tax No. 02/300/01227
VAT Reg. No. DE 117 978 530

Personally Liable Association
Birkner GmbH & Co. KG Fachverlagsgesellschaft m.b.H. with registered seat in Hamburg
HR Inferior Court Hamburg HR B 10932

General Manager:
Ansgar Heise

Editors: Sonja Ehrenholz
Editorial Management: Fabian Hertel

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