Valmet Celulose, Papel e Energia Ltda
Company database
Valmet Celulose, Papel e Energia Ltda
Rua Pedro de Alcântara Meira, 1.301 Bairro Fazenda Velha
83704-530 Araucária, PR
List of suppliers' products
- 51 - Machines and plants for the wood and pulp industry
- 52 - Paper and board machines and plants
- 53 - Plants for preparation, dissolving, combusting, recovery
- 54 - Cleaning plants, filtres and filtrations systems
- 56 - Paper machine felts and wires, woven wires, screens
- 57 - Rollers and cylinders
- 60 - Ventilation systems; Drying plants
- 63 - Machines and plants, misc. and printing machines
- 67 - Energy production, energy management