Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA
Company database
Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board
- Buyers' Guide (producers' and converters' products)
Company-News: SCA Interim Report Q4 2020
Company-News: SCA to invest in Tunadal port
Company-News: SCA to increase prices
Company-News: SCA: 1 million seedlings planted in Latvia
Company-News: SCA Interim Report Q2 2021
Company-News: SCA borrows €300 million from EIB
Company-News: SCA appoints new CFO
Company-News: SCA: New cold storage facility for seedlings
Company-News: Sofia Haga appointed General Counsel of SCA
Company-News: SCA invests in Munksund's paper mill
Company-News: SCA to increase kraftliner prices
Company-News: SCA: Renewable energy reporting segment
Company-News: SCA acquires wind farm in Markbygden
Company-News: Year-end Report for SCA 2022
Company-News: SCA plans price increase for NBSK pulp