Solenis (Shanghai) Chemical Co. Ltd
Company database
Solenis (Shanghai) Chemical Co. Ltd
No. 688 Shenfu Road, Minhang District
201108 Shanghai
List of suppliers' products
- 61 - Test, measuring and control equipments
64 - Chemicals and raw materials
64.02 - Chemicals for paper bulk
- 64.02.08 - Dispersants
- 64.02.09 - Defoamers, antifoams
- 64.02.10 - Drainage aids
- 64.02.13 - Flocculation agents
- 64.02.14 - Flotations agents
- 64.02.16 - Auxiliary chemicals for the paper industry, additives for paper
- 64.02.17 - Corrosion inhibitors
- 64.02.18 - Wet strength resins
- 64.02.23 - Anti-slime agents
- 64.02.27 - Dry strength improving agents
- 64.02.29 - Plasticizers, softeners
- 64.02.35 - Deaerators
- 64.05 - Starch
- 64.06 - Size and adhesives
- 64.07 - Cleaning and preparation agents
- 64.08 - Chemicals, misc.
64.02 - Chemicals for paper bulk