Moritz J. Weig GmbH & Co. KG, Hauptverwaltung Mayen
Company database
Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board

chromo duplex board
chromo triplex board
technical specialty board
(plasterboard liner)
Moritz J. Weig GmbH & Co. KG, Hauptverwaltung Mayen
Polcher Strasse 113
56727 Mayen
- Buyers' Guide (producers' and converters' products)
Company-News: Corona protection with love for the environment
Company-News: Buchmann Karton is now part of the Weig Group
Company-News: Voith boosts WEIG's production quality and efficiency
Company-News: WEIG Introduces New Coating Line Concept
Company-News: Recycled cardboard: Weig plans price increase