Hahnemühle FineArt GmbH
Company database
Producers of pulp, mechanical pulp, paper and board
Paper and board converters

Echt-Bütten und Aquarellpapiere & -kartons Skizzenpapiere, Skizzenbücher, Zeichenpapiere, Pastellpapiere, Öl- und Acrylmalkartons Papiere für Grafik Design, Layout, Manga, Illustration, Notizbücher, Natural Line Papiere Technische Papiere Passepartout
Digitale FineArt Papiere:
Marktführende, alterungsbeständige Medien für Fine Art Drucke, Fotografie, digitale Kunst, Gemälde- und Fotoreproduktionen, Natural Line Papiere
Edeldruckpapier Industriespezialpapiere Filtrierpapiere für Labor und Technische Anwendungen:
Glasfaserfilter Life Science Applikationen

Hahnemühle FineArt GmbH
Hahnestrasse 5
37586 Dassel
Buyers' Guide (producers' and converters' products)
- 02 - Printing, fine and writing papers
- 05 - Papers for packaging use
- 06 - Board for packaging use
- 07 - Paper and board for technical use
- 08 - Papers and boards; coated, laminated, impregnated
- 09 - Papers all kinds
- 10 - Board, misc.
Company-News: Paint and Draw
Company-News: Great success – Hahnemühle's CAA
Company-News: Hahnemühle launches
Company-News: Hahnemühle - TIPA World Award 2021
Company-News: Paper Art Award
Company-News: Hahnemühle goes to Berlin
Company-News: Hahnemühle: Manufacture instead of industry
Company-News: Hahnemühle: First hemp paper
Company-News: Hahnemühle is once again Brand of the Century
Company-News: Hahnemühle’s sustainable paper production
Company-News: Hahnemühle hosts its Virtual Open House
Company-News: Hahnemühle appoints new international leadership team
Company-News: H is for Hemp – printed on Hahnemühle Hemp Paper
Company-News: Hahnemühle apprentices plant trees
Company-News: Hahnemühle: Paper Art Award 2022
Company-News: Waterfalls & Spirit at display in Berlin:
Company-News: Hahnemühle – EcoVadis seal in bronze
Company-News: Hahnemühle at Creativeworld 2023
Company-News: Hahnemühle Hybrid Hemp papers certified
Company-News: Staud's photographs on Hahnemühle paper
Company-News: Hahnemühle acquires MUSEO® brand
Company-News: Hahnemühle appoints new General Manager DACH + NL
Company-News: Hahnemühle turns 440 years old
Company-News: Hahnemühle Hemp Paper at Olympics 2024