H. H. Andersen & Co A/S Company database Merchants Europe › Denmark › Greve address H. H. Andersen & Co A/S Greve Strandvej 47 A 2670 Greve +45 43998022 +45 43996399 E-Mail Hide map Products Buyers' guide 35 - Papers for packaging use 35.02 - Papers for corrugated board 35.02.03 - Kraftliner 35.03 - Greaseproof and waterproof packaging papers 35.03.02 - Greaseproof papers 35.04 - Sack and bag papers 35.04.02 - Kraft sack papers, sack kraft papers 35.05 - Wrapping papers 35.05.15 - MG papers, machine-glazed papers 35.06 - Papers for packaging use, misc. 35.06.09 - Kraft papers Selected Topnews from the Paper Industry 1 Birkner products Become a professional user on paper-world.com 2 Birkner products Gold Bundle - the marketing all-inclusive package for the paper industry 3 Birkner products Silver Bundle - the professional marketing package for the paper industry 4 Birkner products Bronze Bundle - the basic marketing package for the paper industry 5 Birkner products Guide content in the News section 6 Birkner products Advertorial for the News section