Cartopap Iberica S.A. Company database Merchants Europe › Spain › Alalpardo address Cartopap Iberica S.A. Cruz del Sur 2 28130 Alalpardo (Madrid) +34 658786740 E-Mail Website Hide map Products Buyers' guide 38 - Papers and boards; coated, laminated, impregnated 38.03 - Laminated paper, laminated board; Lining paper and lining board 38.03.08 - Metallized board 40 - Board, misc. 40.01 - Board for the product. of educational and office materials 40.01.01 - Folder cardboard Selected Topnews from the Paper Industry 1 Birkner products Become a professional user on 2 Birkner products Gold Bundle - the marketing all-inclusive package for the paper industry 3 Birkner products Silver Bundle - the professional marketing package for the paper industry 4 Birkner products Bronze Bundle - the basic marketing package for the paper industry 5 Birkner products Guide content in the News section 6 Birkner products Advertorial for the News section