Aikawa Fiber Technologies Oy (AFT), Aikawa Group
Company database
Aikawa Fiber Technologies Oy (AFT), Aikawa Group
Kiertotie 27
78300 Varkaus
P.O. Box address
Aikawa Fiber Technologies Oy (AFT), Aikawa Group
P.O. Box 241
78201 Varkaus
List of suppliers' products
- 51 - Machines and plants for the wood and pulp industry
- 52 - Paper and board machines and plants
- 53 - Plants for preparation, dissolving, combusting, recovery
- 54 - Cleaning plants, filtres and filtrations systems
Company-News: AFT supplying POM to Sappi board mill
Company-News: AFT refining with IoT integration
Company-News: AFT: MaxEdge refiners at Essity Karewau mill